A summary of the most important tax news for the month. We select the most relevant stories and make sure you are aware of them. Updated monthly.

A selection of topical tax tips designed to save you money and keep you out of trouble. Updated monthly.

Current issue online (Jul/Aug 08), plus past articles, features, copies of answers to subscribers' questions provided by our tax experts; and a host of other tax saving material from our back issues.

Everything you need to know to move your money offshore. Updated on publication of the new Schmidt Offshore Report. Latest issue - Vol 3 no 1.

Database of invaluable information from current tax rates to a complete list of Inland Revenue publications, and from an address book to a useful tax dictionary. Includes the most recent Budget Report.

Search previous questions and answers from our 'Ask the Experts' section. Alternatively, email us your question and we will e-mail you information and advice. This service is free and when you consider what an accountant charges per hour you only have to make use of it once every two or three years to pay for your subscription many times over.

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